km of bike path
users per year
bike stops
The Véloroute des Bleuets in a nutshell:
- $11.56 million in spending, including more than $7.856 million in tourism spending (68% of the total)
- 112 jobs created
- The result of a successful collaboration between 15 municipalities and the Montagnais community of Mashteuiatsh
- Four connected cycling networks:
- Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon (48 km)
- Ville d’Alma / City of Alma (14 km)
- Ville de Saint-Félicien / City of Saint-Félicien (13 km)
- Horst de Kénogami (71 km between Hébertville and Saguenay / Jonquière borough)
- Four Maisons du vélo (cycling visitor information centres): Alma, Roberval, Dolbeau-Mistassini and Hébertville
- 35 bike stops and around 40 “Bienvenue Cyclistes!” certified accommodations
- Two marine shuttles; Le Maligneau and “Le Péribonka”
- 60 patrol ambassadors identified and dressed in the colours of the Véloroute des Bleuets, two great media ambassadors, Yvan Martineau and Audrey Lemieux, as well as sports ambassadors
- More than 100 partner companies
- An international influence through partnerships with RAVEL (Belgium), the Voies Vertes Saône-et-Loire (France) as well as l’Association des réseaux cyclables du Québec (ARCQ), a true reference in the province
- Several activities offered annually
- A luggage shuttle service
- A loss leader recognized by the ATR (Tourisme Saguenay−Lac-Saint-Jean)
Our values
With pride, we highlight our cycle experience and destination and guarantee the highest of standards and quality of our infrastructure and services.
Healthy lifestyle
We actively encourage, contribute and promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Sustained development
We contribute to the development of our eco-tourism industry, enhancing both the social and economic dynamics of our region.
We posses a unique and significant leadership ability, highlighting a model of success and dialogue with our municipal and socio economic partners.
Roles and responsabilities of the Véloroute
- Representative and “soul” of the Corporation and its brand
- Development and dissemination of knowledge on customers, competition and best practices in the management of cycling networks
- Management of the reception service and specialized information targeting cycle tourists in partnership with various organizations
- Supervision / coordination in close collaboration with the municipal sphere when it comes to maintenance and improvement of the cycle route and associated networks
- Planning and supervision of infrastructure development, in consultation with partner municipalities
- Encouragement of Véloroute des Bleuets partner companies to adhere to the “2017-2022 Strategic Planning”
- Promotion of the “Véloroute des Bleuets” brand and marketing of the Véloroute experience to regional, national and international customers
- Management of self-financing activities
- Maintenance and support of volunteers, especially as regards the “Ambassadors”